Activate Whitelist. Implement SEO and Paid Ads
10,000 Registered Participant Drivers and 50 Registered Advertisers
Pre-Sale V1 Miners to Whitelisted Users in 10 Cities (TBD).

(100 Min. Drivers Each)
30% Increase in staff.
Launch App. Deliver Batch-001. Increase Marketing Budget.

Launch Token. 40,000 Registered Participant Drivers and 200 Registered Advertisers
Activate Whitelist. Implement SEO and Paid Ads
10,000 Registered Participant Drivers and 50 Registered Advertisers
Pre-Sale V1 Miners to Whitelisted Users in 10 Cities (TBD).
Obtain 5 Registered Fleet Contracts (100 Min. Drivers)
Launch App. Deliver Batch-001. Increase Marketing Budget.
Launch Token. 40,000 Registered Participant Drivers and 200 Registered Advertisers
Advertise On Your Car. Earn Passive Income.
It really is a no-brainer! Make money doing something you’re already doing. You know, Work Smarter – Not Harder! Drive your normal routine: Go to work, pick up the kids, go to the grocery store…
Afraid of Ruffling Feathers?
Worried about organizations you don’t wish to support? You chose what companies to exclude from your display. Feel good about the messages displayed!
Take the Second Step
You already took the first step when you looked up how to get paid for advertising on your car and found our beautiful solution. All you need now is a gentle push out of the comfort of your nest and join our flock!
How can I get a Bluberd display?
Submit a request through the inquiry form on the Join The Flock page and we will let you know whether your vehicle qualifies and keep you informed when a display becomes available.
When will I receive my Bluberd display?
Now that we’ve completed our equipment test phase, we’ll start shipping out beta models to our early adopters for additional testing, collaboration, and enhanced rewards.
What do I need to qualify as a participant driver?
- Own or lease your car
- Hold a valid driver’s license
- Must provide proof of insurance
How do I know if my vehicle qualifies?
- Your car needs to be 10 years old or newer
- Your rear window needs to measure at least 30”x10”
- Need at least one working 12v (cigarette) outlet in your vehicle
Can I earn cryptocurrency for driving?
Drivers will earn USD at the moment, and eventually will earn native BluCoin and later include other crypto options and USD.
When do I start earning?
This is determined on miles driven and advertisement demand in each location. We will make more statistics available as the project progresses.
How much will I earn a day?
This is determined on miles driven and advertisement demand in each location. We will make more statistics available as the project progresses.
Will the display block my rear view?
No. The display is approx 80% transparent, so you can easily see all activity behind your vehicle. At night, brightness is scaled down to reduce glare.
Will I see the advertisement if I look back while I’m driving?
No, the technology is developed in a way in which you only see the ad if you are located behind the vehicle.
Will my LED display distract surrounding drivers?
Consensus would tell you no. It’s debatable that traditional billboards are more distracting. Our displays will cycle through static ads and keep driver’s “eyes on the road” versus looking in the sky for a traditional billboard.
Will I be liable for distracted drivers around me?
For the same reason headrest, drop-down displays are legal is the same reason you can’t be held liable for your display. However, we do require all participant drivers to hold valid insurance.